For service members, a missed credit card payment might do more than just ding their credit report, it could also jeopardize a hard-fought promotion. And for their spouses, move after move might be more than just a logistical hardship, it might also be the biggest hurdle in their own career growth. The FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Program is just one program that is aiming to address both challenges.
For service members, a missed credit card payment might do more than just ding their credit report, it could also jeopardize a hard-fought promotion. And for their spouses, move after move might be more than just a logistical hardship, it might also be the biggest hurdle in their own career growth. The FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Program is just one program that is aiming to address both challenges.
Something Good: Healing Through Horses At Savannah Station
Andi Holland has loved horses for as long as she can remember. I started asking for a horse when I was three and was totally disappointed every birthday and every Christmas when we didn t get one, Holland said.
Holland s patience paid off and now she s making hay as the executive director of Savannah Station, a free equestrian therapeutic riding program for people with cognitive and physical special needs. To be around horses that are very calming, to be around an animal that wants to be in a relationship with you, that is so self-confidence building, Holland said.