Hoof support brand FormaHoof is donating used moulds to equines in need as part of its “replace and donate” programme. FormaHoof provides support to horses’s hooves through a moulding process, creating a non-invasive, three-dimensional protective and supportive overlay on a horse’s foot. The company has pledged to clean, disinfect and donate to charity any moulds […]
my 32 was a 36 silhouette with a 32 waist for a bottom. no one is really saying, you know, i m designing for this customer. i m designing for this market. i m designing for streetwear. i design from the ghetto, for the street and those were all the thoughts going through my head. now this is a story about how life got flipped turned upside down i hired a marketing guy at the time by the name of david stennett and i said why don t you call up the fresh prince of bel-air and, you know, see if they are interested in wearing our clothes. and i ll never forget, he came back and said, karl, you won t believe what s happening. they love your stuff. they were looking for something like this but didn t know it existed. they love it. they want more. two or three nights later, there