⢠The Senate voted 52-42 on the confirmation of Janet Garvin McCabe, of Indiana, to be deputy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. U.S. Sen. Robert Casey, D-Scranton, voted yes. U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Zionsville, voted no.
⢠The House was out of session.
⢠Lycoming County commissioners approved just over $1 million in Community Development Block Grant funding for the Franklin Township sewer project and $130,901 in CDBG money for the Muncy public library. Rick Mirabito, Tony Mussare, and Scott Metzger voted yes.
⢠City Council voted 4-2 to accept an $8.8 million River Valley Transit budget for 2021 and 2022. Voting against it were Bonnie Katz and Adam Yoder. Council President Randall J. Allison, Liz Miele, Vince Pulizzi and Jon Mackey were in favor. David Banks was absent. Katz and Yoder asked for more details and description similar to a proposed budget in 2019 presented to council and were not comfortable withou
The 2021-22 budget for the Montoursville Area School District is projected to have no increase in real estate taxes for borough homeowners, according to a presentation to the school board by Brandy Smith, district business manager and board secretary.
In introducing the budget, Smith said, “Budgets are always a work in progress as you’re looking through and finalizing the projections for next year.”
Smith said that although no tax increase is expected, there is an increase in the revenue from real estate taxes of $26,580 which can be attributed to tax assessment changes.
Local revenue or monies that are generally produced, generated or collected with the boundaries of the district, which includes real estate taxes comprise 54.65 percent of the total estimated revenue of $32,073,426 for the next fiscal year. The earned income tax is also included in that category contributing a projected $4,000,000 by the end of the current fiscal year.
Montoursville Area School Board voted to not exceed the Act 1 index in preparing next year’s budget during its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night.
By not exceeding the index, real estate taxes cannot be increased beyond a certain millage percentage before exceptions or a voter referendum.
Business manager Brandy Smith reported to the board that she expects to consider the spending plan when the board meets in work sessions.
The plan, she said, calls for voting on a proposed budget in May and a final plan June 8.
Smith did not reveal numbers to the board or whether a tax hike is being considered.