Hunters convention. Larry Higgins sci president the greatest gathering of hunter conservationists in the world. Patrick Walker sci president Larry Higgins. Welcoming some of the 20 thousand expected hunters to the Convention Wednesday night. Larry Higgins sci president everything that we will do in the next 4 days supports the missions of safari club, conserving our wildlife and protecting our freedom to hunt. Patrick Walker sci says conservation is a major part of their mission. Their website says 70 percent of the money raised here. Goes toward conservation efforts by the group worldwide. Something sci member bill racine says he is proud of. bill racine sci lifetime member sci does a lot of conservation stuff, they help people over in africa, their hunts help the native people over there. Patrick Walker the Humane Society international disagrees. Citing a 2012 study by eco resources at large. It concluded only 3 percent of money spent on trophy hunts make Masha Kalinina Humane Societ