It is a mystery that has challenged the U.S.’s intelligence community for years. The unexplained illness known as Havana Syndrome, named after the city where diplomats and intelligence officials first suffered from dizziness, cognitive difficulties and even memory loss. Wednesday, the intelligence community assessed it was likely not the work of a foreign adversary. Nick Schifrin reports.
The mysterious ailment known as "Havana syndrome" did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds of U.S. personnel were targeted and sickened by a clandestine enemy wielding energy waves as a weapon.
Indigenous Tokenization Time is certainly a factor when it comes to clean energy. By 2030, the Paris-based International Energy Agency says the world needs to have installed 1,200 GW of solar, wind, and other clean energy sources four times the amount that existed in 2022. If we don’t, global warming will intensify to catastrophic levels, which would also be disastrous for
A report from the Wall Street Journal on Monday said sources inside the U.S. Department of Energy now believe with “low confidence” that the global spread of covid-19 was “most likely” the result of a laboratory leak in China. The report contradicts four other U.S. agencies that have investigated how