K.C. ISDANER…will receive the H. Richard Dollinger Community Service Award. The Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (JFSNJ) will honor K.C. Isdaner, president of Jewish Community Properties (JCP), an agency of JFSNJ, with the H. Richard Dollinger Community Service Award, and David Ostrum with the Shellie Greenspun Young Leadership Award, at the 101st Annual Meeting.
ANNA WACHSPRESS…will be honored on Oct. 25. For the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (JFSNJ)’s staff members, the Susan Love Staff Achievement Award, named after an impactful colleague and friend to all of JFSNJ and given to an employee who goes above and beyond for the organization and community, is a highly coveted honor.
Back in person for the first time since 2019, the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (JFSNJ)’s Annual Meeting, being held on Wednesday, Oct. 25, will take place in the Lahn Social Hall at the Katz JCC at 6 p.m., and will include the installation of officers and board members for all of JFSNJ’s agencies,
As we approach the Jewish High Holy Days, let’s reflect on this past year for the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc., and prepare for an impactful year ahead: - With his two-year term ending this October, Robert Elias has served as JCF president in a steady, smart, and savvy fashion. During his tenure, Robert has