stigma and zeists sometimes prevent people from seek help. reporter: cerebral c.e.o. dr. david mou says he stands by their clinical quality. i really trust our clinical program. as chief medical officer, i came in with the mandate of bringing in quality and safety, and i did just that. reporter: and he says he s not worried about the justice department s investigation into his company s prescribe regular practices. so you re feeling confident that the d.o.j. is not going to find any problems. yeah. i m confident that our clinical programs are very, very good, and if anything, they re above standard of care. reporter: but documents obined by ew about risks, like duplicate patient accounts, which meant multiple controlled substances could be overprescribed to the same individual, a concern theyca atl 1,20instances of prescribers
According to the Wall Street Journal's reporting, the Federal Trade Commission is investigating whether the startup was involved in deceptive or unfair marketing or advertising practices.