A court orderly, Kagiso Chabane, and police captain, Moeketsi Lesia, are now free men as they have been acquitted on all charges against them. Chabane was accused of hiring a vehicle us.
The National Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) in the Free State has since expressed its disappointment. The union says it is dismayed by the alleged reluctance of the premier to take decisi.
It is business as usual at the Free State Department of Health with the acting Head of Department Godfrey Mahlatsi back at work after he was released on R5 000 bail earlier in February.
It’s business as usual at the Free State Department of Health, with the acting head Godfrey Mahlatsi back at work after being released on R5,000 bail on 11 February. Mahlatsi and other officials are facing charges of fraud, corruption, forgery and money laundering. The alleged crimes cost the.
It is business as usual at the Free State health department with its acting head Godfrey Mahlatsi back at work after he was released on R5 000 bail on February 11.