Here they are. We have gary b. Smith, jonas farris, john layfield,arry glaz, and sasha burns. Larry, failure to reach a deal wontean the end of the world . Brenda, enough with the scare tactics. Look, i know its almost halloween. But the American People are si and tired of being frightened into supporting mindless and endless government spending. Look, not raising the debt ceiling is not the same as a default. Theres plenty o revenue to make interest and principle payments and to keep our accounts current. This is needless frhtening of the American People, and they are not going to stand for it. They are fatigued. All right. Sasha, are you frightened . You know, youre the first person ive heard that has said that with a straight face. Am i concerned . No. Because i kn that at the end of the day, the republicans are going to overcome the mob rule of the tea party and come up with asolution to keep the to keep us from defaulting. It is not just democratsayin this. It is ceo the coke brot
Off the top and wed still run very well. Thats something that needs to t done. Unfortunately, it never gts done. Probably people are at home saying that 15 sounds small. I ver knew there were 800,000, quotonessential rkers in the government. Wel more tan 80 of the outlays are still in effect even with the shutdown. You know, social security, the military, and the like. So we but i do think that this gives us a chance to prioriti what we want out of government. And to analyze what these bureaucrats really do. The wall stet journal had a great editorial abo the federal register of new rules made byhe government, looking back in september on any given day. You would have 500 pages, 400 pages of new rules. A day. Yeah. In the federal register that came out. And ifyou look after the shutdown, u had like 12 pages or six pages of new rules. S. So i thi that lack of government burden is relief and refreshing. I know at sous like relief to the businesess community. Enyou actually work in govern
Have where idaho, he is coming back . Well, i was in idaho. It is one of the live reports, and we were taking the over under whether he was going to be mowed down, but he will be back next week. All right. Lets speak about this charles payne, and here we go again. Yes. And now, maybe sh, the earma are the way to mark it for the v. A. And the v. A. Problems will go away. Well sh, we know that with respect to the budget, it has grown dramatically and the president , himself, bragged about how much money has been thrown at the problem, and the Serious Problems is of course structurek and the lack of leadership, and really the lack of accountability, and money is not going to make that better, but make it worse probably. They have to figure out how to honestly fix this thing, and whether it is free Market Solution, and whether you dismantle it and make it free market, it is something that a lot of the politicians h in washington are not wanting to happen. And i want to talk about the earma
A head scratcher for me, because i cannot see the positives in this. Lets stipulate that it is going to hurt powerful businesses, and Small Businesses and meet yolker businesses, and so it is a tax the basically, and at the end of the year, they have less profits to grow the business or hire less people, but talk about the populous view of the minimum wage and that does not wash. One, it hurts employment. Study after study have shown that there is a correlation of raising the minimum wage, and increase of unemployment. And look no further than the last increase in the minimum wage, and you can see tin cre t decrease in teenaged employment. And who is out . The most disadvantaged people and unskilled people in society especially like the hike in seattle up to 15. And it does not help those who do not want to be helped. For a family, you have about 5 of the population. And for those people, you are better off to give them a big tax credit or helping them out with welfare rather than rais
Have where idaho, he is coming back . Well, i was in idaho. It is one of the live reports, and we were taking the over under whether he was going to be mowed down, but he will be back next week. All right. Lets speak about this charles payne, and here we go again. Yes. And now, maybe sh, the earma are the way to mark it for the v. A. And the v. A. Problems will go away. Well sh, we know that with respect to the budget, it has grown dramatically and the president , himself, bragged about how much money has been thrown at the problem, and the Serious Problems is of course structurek and the lack of leadership, and really the lack of accountability, and money is not going to make that better, but make it worse probably. They have to figure out how to honestly fix this thing, and whether it is free Market Solution, and whether you dismantle it and make it free market, it is something that a lot of the politicians h in washington are not wanting to happen. And i want to talk about the earma