While some call the Korean War the “Forgotten War,” Cape Ann Veterans Services Director Vionette “Vee” Chipperini said for one local veteran, it’s a war that will always be top
On the sixth night of Hanukkah in America’s oldest seaport, more than 200 people gathered Tuesday around the front entrance and courtyard of Temple Ahavat Achim on Middle Street for
To the strains of “Amazing Grace,” a slideshow presentation featuring some local veterans drew heartfelt reactions from the more than 200 people in the Gloucester High auditorium Saturday at 9
Sunday, a week ago, I gathered with other clergy and concerned community members at Temple Ahavat Achim to express sympathy and support in response to the Oct. 7th terror attacks
Sunday, a week ago, I gathered with other clergy and concerned community members at Temple Ahavat Achim to express sympathy and support in response to the Oct. 7th terror attacks