With 130 performers and crew, five tonnes’ worth of set and a 15-hour show on loop, it’s an unprecedented – and ambitious – five weeks for a company to take on
caponing sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions woodruff: good eveng. i m judy woodrf. on the newshour this thursda the lead sry is president obama shels a bush-era missile dense program aimed at iran. then, we have the her news of the y: kwame holmanooks at the health care debate rough the eyes of the ung, the uninsured and seemingly invincible; jeffrey brn talks to house minority leader john boehner about health care d more; the last in ray suarez s sers from tanzania; plus, a conversationith ted kennedy, jr., about his faer s memoir, trucompass. and rememberg the ringing voice of folk lend mary travers of peter, paul and my. major fuing for the newshour with jim lehrer is provideby: what the world needs now energy. thenergy to get the economy humminagain. the engy to tackle challenge like climate change. at is that energy came from energy company? eryday, chevron invests $62 million in people, in ideas- seeking, teachin building. fueling growthround the world to mov