[tears and applies cheers and applause] ok. Water. Moore, guys . Ok. [applause] we are back [applause] so, that afternoon. Great to be here. I want to thank the good people of berryville for working with everyonewant to thank city andng us to this this beautiful, beautiful spot virginia. Let me pay your high compliment, it looks like part of new york state. Fromtravel new york state upstate rural republican areas like where i was friday to suburban long island, the inner city bronx, i find one thing in common. Average families feel they are being pushed around by large economic forces and are losing that traditional american faith in the future. Too many families in america feel like the rules of the economy are rigged against them. They feel like theyre getting a raw deal and they are right. They are almost powerless to change them. We are here today to tell the people of berryville and the working people of america, someone has your back. [applause] a American Families deserve better
8 years old who should be at home in their neighborhoods like other kids, but instead they are here fighting for their own health care and their lives. I held a press conference with these families here in the capitol where their parents shared their stories about what trumpcare would mean for them and their families. They spoke about their worries and their fears for the future. One story was that of elena hong and her daughter ziamora. She is 3 years old. She will be starting school this fall. You can just tell she is one of those kids with Incredible Energy and lights up the room. But ziamora was born with complications in her lungs, in her heart and in her kidneys. She needs a tracheotomy, a feeding tube and a ventilator just to stay alive. So elena told me about what this has meant to her and her family to have health care these last couple of years. You see, elena and her husband both have professional degrees, goodpaying jobs and savings in the bank. Theyve done everything right
Would like your phones on silent or vibrate because we also like you to tweet and follow along here in the room and of course to our viewing audience. Turments allow it but we would like it on silent or vibrate because we would like you to tweet and follow along and to our viewing audience. And to do that you would follow us using the handle pressclubdc nancy, p as s in paul, live or hashtag headliners. Using the handle pressclubdc. And thats for our Television Online and radio audiences. Please be aware that there are member who are members of the general public. So therefore if you hear any expressions of applause or signs of approval or disapproval, that doesnt necessarily mean its coming from the working journalists in the room because we do have some decorum, at least id like to think we do. Before we get into the rest of it rest of the things, i would like to introduce the head table and then we will thank some important people who put together todays luncheon. So starting on my
[tears and applies cheers and applause] ok. Water. Moore, guys . Ok. [applause] we are back [applause] so, that afternoon. Great to be here. I want to thank the good people of berryville for working with everyonewant to thank city andng us to this this beautiful, beautiful spot virginia. Let me pay your high compliment, it looks like part of new york state. Fromtravel new york state upstate rural republican areas like where i was friday to suburban long island, the inner city bronx, i find one thing in common. Average families feel they are being pushed around by large economic forces and are losing that traditional american faith in the future. Too many families in america feel like the rules of the economy are rigged against them. They feel like theyre getting a raw deal and they are right. They are almost powerless to change them. We are here today to tell the people of berryville and the working people of america, someone has your back. [applause] a American Families deserve better
This week on reelamerica, the regulators a 1982 pbs documentary focusing on pollution regulation in the national parks. Here is a preview each week, American History tvs reel america bring to films that provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. In a residential section of the nations capital, David Hawkins begins his commute. A political appointee of the carter white house, hawkins was chosen to regulate our nations air pollution laws. He will be a key figure in a clean air battle to unfold in the months ahead. A lifelong environmentalist, he has strong opinions on our governments obligations. Regulation has tended to be developed in response to abuse. The food, drug, and cosmetic act was a response to the horrors in the food industry. It is easy to say you are in favor of less regulation, but if you ask somebody if they are in favor of dirtier air, you will have someone say, no, we are not air. Vor of dirtier these programs are causing people to spend money cleaning up what th