Maryland's monumental task of counting hundreds of thousands of mail-in or drop-off ballots could delay results for close races, such as who the fall governor candidates will be, by days or even weeks.
Maryland's monumental task of counting hundreds of thousands of mail-in or drop-off ballots could delay results for close races, such as who the fall governor candidates will be, by days or even weeks.
Maryland voters may have to wait up to 10 days to learn which candidates won close 2022 primary races. Vetoed legislation coupled with a decision by the Maryland State Board of Elections means there will likely be no early counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots. The delay has some county officials worried. “You .
Last week, the Maryland governor made decisions on hundreds of remaining bills the General Assembly had passed in the 2022 session, including legislation on abortion access, early vote counting and absentee ballot signatures.
The Republican governor faced a Friday deadline to make his decision on the remaining bills after signing and vetoing hundreds of others since the General Assembly’s session ended April 12.