A University of New Hampshire professor recently warned that people should not assume all pedophilic conduct “starts “with a predatory or criminally inclined adult” because sometimes children initiate the sexual acts with adults who are not otherwise “criminally inclined.”
A professor at the University of New Hampshire is pushing back after clips posted on Fascist Twitter showed him suggesting it is not “effective” to assume that a pedophilic “relationship” is predatory and criminal. “If young people are initiating sexual activities with adults, or enthusiastically involved, we can’t be effective working with them if we assume| USSA News
During a conference, Harvard educated Dr. David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, indicated that adults engaged in sexual crimes with minors should not be held fully accountable as children often “initiate” the activity. Finkelhor made the remarks during a Mar. 23 Haruv USA presentation titled the “elements of voluntary participation” in sexual activity| USSA News
The arrest last month of former gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler is shedding light on the problem of sexual exploitation of children. But experts say the sharing of illegal materials is on the rise, and that more data and more investment in prevention are badly needed.