A set of guidelines, known as the Nuremberg Principles, were created by the UN’s International Law Commission at the end of the Second World War. They were…
A set of guidelines, known as the Nuremberg Principles, were created by the UN’s International Law Commission at the end of the Second World War. They were…
A set of guidelines, known as the Nuremberg Principles, were created by the UN’s International Law Commission at the end of the Second World War. They were…
A set of guidelines, known as the Nuremberg Principles, were created by the UN’s International Law Commission at the end of the Second World War. They were…
here, but he s got a lot of name recognition. the russians are already saying we re meddling in their elections just by commenting on how they re letting people run them. they can say what they want. we re reporting on it, not interceding, obviously. but it goes to the larger way vladimir putin does something that is also reminiscent of what donald trump does. walk us through what we re witnessing because putin obviously has to balance what we might call the appearance of impropriety with stopping someone early who he clearly sees as some kind of threat. right. there are these charges which as david said are considered trumped up charges against novalni. his crusade against the kremlin has actually hinged upon fighting corruption, and it s resonated. and not only that it s sort of