. we have to ask ourselves when was the last time we talked about race with somebody of another race? if the answer is never, we re part of the problem. this is like a bomb we re sitting on a bomb. you can have a black person killed with a video this is what you ll get this is a revolution. we want peace. should people be frightened wake up it s 1991, wake up. we talked at each other and about each other a long time it s high time we all began talking with each other. no justice, no peace can we all get along? . . . . . about 20ments from now, david dingic kins now mayor is scheduled to step out from city hall and take public oath of office and become new york city s 106th mayor and the first african-american mayor. i intend to be all of new york. new year s day in 1990 is a start to the decade, and culmination of some civil rights struggles of 1960 s people are starting to see tangible expert the grandson of slaves did you ever see a black
steps of new york city hall, 10,000 off-duty cops banded together in protest fed up and angry with a city they claim doesn t back them up. david dink ins pisses off the police because he talks about civilian review boards, accountability for police brutality so we see prominently white police officers screaming over rash slurs at the black mayor. that kind of language racial slurs separate and apart from the destruction of property and whatnot that is why some possibly have an absence confidence in the police department. the reason the moral in the police department is so low is one reason and one reason alone, david dink ins. some ways it was easy to blame david dinkins for things they were not his fault along comes giuliani, there s a message for this often is. today the new york police are