The Great American Rail-Trail is the most ambitious biking initiative the country has ever seen
Passing through Pennsylvania, Maryland and DC, Gardill’s trip may seem like a major undertaking. Yet it’s just a small fraction of an unprecedented new scenic pathway aiming to traverse the United States from coast to coast.
The Great American Rail-Trail is the most ambitious biking initiative the country has ever seen. Stretching an extraordinary 3,700 miles from the nation’s capital across 12 states to the Pacific Ocean, west of Seattle, it’s an idea that’s been ruminating for 50 years. The Rail-Trail will connect more than 125 existing multi-use paths, greenways, trails and towpaths. An official route was announced to the public in May 2019 by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC), the Washington DC-based non-profit leading the effort, when the trail was already more than half completed.
captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions lehrer: good evening. i m jim lehrer. on the newshour this monday, the lead story is, today s deadly truck bombings in iraq. then, we have the other news of the day, including a look at border issues, as president obama meets with his mexican and canadian counterparts in guadalajara; some perspective on the increasingly heated health care reform battle involving seniors and medicare provisions; a paul solman conversation about the high cost of our discount culture; and another in our blueprint america series: tonight a look at a highway versus mass transit argument in alabama. major funding for the newshour with jim lehrer is provided by: ( hard rock guitar riff playing ) we are intel, sponsors of tomorrow. what the world needs now is energy. the energy to get the economy humming again. the energy to tackle challenges like climate change. what if that energy came from an energy company? everyday, chevron invests $62 m
captioning spoored by macneilehrer productions lehrer: goodvening. i m m lehrer. on the newshouthis monday, the leastory is, today s deadly truck bombings in ir. then, we have the othenews of the day, includg a look at bordeissues, as president obama meets with his mexic and cadian counterparts in adalajara; some perspective he increasingly heated healt care reform bale involving seniors and medicare provisns; a paul soln conversation about e high cost of r discount culture; and other in our blueprint americaseries: tonight a look at highway versus mass transit argument in a ma. major fding for the newshour with jim lehrer is provid by: ( hard ro guitar riff aying ) were intel, sponsors of tomrow. what the worl needs now is engy. the energy get the economy humminagain. the energy to tkle challenges like climate change. what if that ergy came from an ergy company? everyday, chevron insts $62 milli in people, in ias seekng, teaching, building. fueling growth around e wo