In this first installment of a three-part series, police officers who were at the scene of the shootout with Gordon Kahl, Yorie Kahl and Scott Faul offer a glimpse of the harrowing experience.
May 4, 2021
Richard (Dick) Neil Broer was born on April 8, 1937, in Eldora, Iowa, to Jesse and Helen Broer. He was raised on his family farm and attended school in New Providence, a small rural town. He attended University of Iowa, being part of Acacia Fraternity and active on campus, earning a Bachelor of Science degree. He went on to get his Master’s degree for Mortuary Science in St. Paul, Minnesota. He met his soon bride to be, Margaret Mundt, in a marriage and family class at University of Iowa. It was love at first sight. Dick and Marg were married August 14th, 1960 in Ida Grove, Iowa (Marg’s hometown).