Quorum call quorum call quorum call quorum call quorum call mr. Reid mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Reid i ask unanimous consent the call of the quorum be terminated. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Reid i now move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar number 892. The presiding officer the question is on the motion to proceed. All in favor say aye. All opposed, no. The ayes appear to have it. Ththe motion is agreed to. The clerk will report the nomination. The clerk nomination, department of state. Noahbryson mammot to be ambassador to the argentine republic. Mr. Reid i send a cloture motion to the desk. The presiding officer the clerk will report the cloture motion. The clerk cloture motion. We, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, hereby move to bring to a close the debate on the nomination of noaa bryson mammos of california to be ambassador to the argen
Would generally be funding for the rest of the fiscal year, but in a way not yet defined carveout funding for homeland to avoidor immigration funding effectively the implementation of the resident will executive action. Doing that in an appropriation bill is difficult to do, because and there was a memo from the Congressional Research office just circulated to the office of jeff sessions, alabama it is difficult to do through the normal course, but causeare ways you could restrictions on funding or restrictions on the program itself. You just cannot do it through the normal run of the mill appropriations process, and i think that is what would need to be worked out if anyone on the house side wanted to take that approach. Lets look at the appropriations chair, hal rogers, and what he is talking about, what he is tweeting about. Congress must fight this executive order to then nail through legislative means that one act real change. Is he saying there should not be an appropriations mea
In the middle ages they were bred from wild horses, to be used in war or bullfighting. Today the breed is highly sought after and expensive. But in portugal, after yearsrs f economic crisis, that high cost is proving a problem for the horses themselves. Manuel Jorge Martins de oliveira is one of portugals most famous horsemen. A legendary former bullfighter, he now teaches dressage clinics, and hes a very successful breeder of the countrys own breed, the lusitano. His stud stallion sabio is worth 60 thousand euros. We portuguese are very proud of our lusitano horses. Theyre the calling cards of a culture that goes back thousands of years. Theyre very important culturally as well as economically. But portuguese breeders are changing the lusitanos type. It was traditionally bred for bullfighting, driving, and classical dressage, but to compete in modern dressage sports, breeders have altered the size and gait of the horses. Oliveira is not pleased with this development. I think its a sha
Those days are not quite as distant as some suppose. We remember that a few people still alive today lived through them, albeit as children. 2014 will mark that centennial of the drama which profoundly influenced the history of the world. I spent the last three years writing a book describing both how the war came about and what happened on the battlefields during its first months before the french lapsed into a stalemate. There is a widely held view, a delusion, as i shall argue, that the two world wars belong to different moral orders. Nineteen robo one was a good war, world war ii was bad. The first subject was so horrendous that turned is that makes it of the two sides causes could badly to meant barely managed. They add a view of what they think happened. Until 1941 britain defied the vast evil of nazism, berlin. In russia and the United States took this train encompassing the destruction of hitler. The struggle was nothing like as bloody as its predecessor, says some people kid t