because he hasn t shared of these secrets with us, either with me or the representatives of russian special service. meghan: not sure if putin is such a good thing for the white house. would you accept that offer i have to say i find that quite amusing into regards. first, the last person the president needs to vouch for him right now is vladimir putin. but even beyond that, the russians have denied that they were even involved in hacking our government institutions. who is going to give them in any way whatsoever? so if they want to give us a hats off in any way, but i can tell you their credibility will be less than zero. meghan: david, i want to go to you first. there cannot demo speed five
louder as democrats pressed for a special prosecutor into the whole thing. this is outnumbered. i m harris faulkner, here today with sandra smith, meghan mccain, marie harf and today s #oneluckyguy, he s on fox business, host of forbes is david ashman. david: the last time we were here was the day general flynn was fired. harris: is that true? if you re in washington and you see these two together, watch out. welcome. let s get to the news. the white house dealing with red-hot accusations. the new york times reporting that former director comey wrote a memo saying that president trump had asked him to ease up on flynn.
self-inflicted wound? either there is a memo or there isn t. marie: president trump said something that allegedly james comey put into a memo for the record. this conversation with the russians in the oval office about classified information, again we can debate whether it was appropriate or not. but that is a self-inflicted wound of something he did. david: some of the headlines are based on false information. for example, the idea that rosenstein was going to resign there are others too. sometimes, the media in their rush to judgment, and people who are operating in the shadows inside the trump administration, or leftovers from the obama administration, are coming up with things on a two. that is not a self-inflicted wound. meghan: i don t believe we
think it would be his bread and butter in this administration. but he so bogged down. the last person on the planet that should be vouching for his character at this point is vladimir putin, giving about this entire scandal has to do with what kind of relationship he has with the russians. harris: i still don t understand why they let russian media and when they didn t allow reporters from our own country into the oval office during the meeting with lavrov and kislyak. marie: there is no explanation that makes any sens sense. david: that was donald trump kicking the media in the knees, don t you think? harris: i think that s a fair question, since we cannot now verify if there were listening devices that might have scooped up some information. now, remember, just a few months ago, there were some russian ships off our coast that were supposedly scooping up information, and i got close to
private school tuition when their child had not previously received special education in a public school. next term we have already granted petitions in three cases from the second circuit. first, reid alfamerev. munchnik. then we will consider when the federal courts have subject right over class actions when most members of the class have not registered their copyrights. second in hemi group v. city of new york, we will consider whether the city can meet ricoh s standing requirements by alleging injury resulting from nonpayment of taxes. and third, shady grove orthodick associates v. all state insurance company presents an issue procedure teachers will follow with rapt attention. may a state legislature forbid recourse to class actions for claims arising under state law but filed as diversity cases in federal court. well, that completes my report on the 2008 to 2009 term. and i invite judge livingston and judge cravitz to join me in conversation. [applause] you re watch