The shattering of the world that took place during World War I propelled humanity into a fight for survival amidst the onslaught of enemy forces. The cacophony and horror of that war was fought in the trenches and on the open fields as portrayed in the poem “In Flanders Fields”, and in the many films including All Quiet on the Western Front and 1917, etc. Right now, however, this war is being fought theatrically (and with an emotional gut punch) on the stage of the Max at Signature Theatre.
Former Flushing resident Ben Cherry stars as “Tateh” in the Flint Rep’s production of Ragtime. Photo provided FLINT FIM Flint Repertory Theatre is closing out its 2022/2023 season with a presentation of the epic Broadway musical Ragtime. Ragtime will be performed at the FIM Elgood Theatre from June 9-25, featuring an intimate, chamber-style telling