The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2014, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour ebate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip but in to five minutes, no event shall debate continue beyond 1 50 p. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Lance, for five minutes. I thank you very much, madam speaker. I rise today to honor the distinguished Public Service of the honorable brendan t. Byrne, the 47th governor of new jersey, who today celebrates his 90th birthday. Hes lived longer than any governor in the history of our state. Governor byrne was born on orange, 924, in west essex county, and currently lives in the short hills section of essex county in the Congressional District i have the honor of serving. He was graduated from W
Clinton gave an incredibly whereul speech in geneva many countries were very startled to see the u. S. Out there weeding in this way and persons weret lgbt entitled to the same rights around the world and are a central part of what it means to promote human rights. As part of the president ial atective on the we look asylum claims on the basis of persecution. People have a wellfounded fear of persecution because there are mobs going go to gore with going doortodoor with wests. Going doortodoor with lists. Now, we see countries like russia exporting worst practices. President obama has been very outspoken on this and well will continue to contest this and make it a subject for bilateral diplomacy and do what we can the laws i described earlier to make sure other countries are standing with us, particularly from other regions and not just europe and north america. [indiscernible] thank you very much. This concludes the hearing. A look at some news and the wall street journal. An article,