will be very hard for this country to come back. so, i m, really, not viewing it in any other way. i m honored they asked me. i probably will get great rating. i am a rating machine for whatever reason. that is what they say in the newspapers. dave: rating machine. alisyn: he does not suffer from lack of confidence. clayton: it will be interesting to see the debate. are you confused as to which candidate you will back and he will wait until his own debate to make the decision. dave: will he discuss china do you think in opec? alisyn: people will tune in to watch donald trump because he is a scanty separating character. but, one person who does not plan to go is jon huntsman announcing he will not participate in this trump debate. here is the explanation. he said we have declined to participate in the presidential afriend tits debate with the
our headquarters in northwest georgia where we will also clarify, there is that word again, eau eau clarify the next. dave: a georgia supporting say he did not quit when he had stage fur cancer, he will not quit now, what is the major announcement if you are not pulling out? it lookings like he is finished. if he is finished where does the support go? the obvious choice is gingrich. folks were asked if you do not support herman cain the majority in a hot air survey said they would support gingrich if not herman cain so he looks to benefit from cain. alisyn: the wall street journal points out it could mean he is not cross fair hairs, so the media can focus more on gingrich, and do more vetting of his background.
be fired and he is calling on president obama to publicly denounce this document. dave: here is what steve king said, the president of the united states should address this and should excoriate the people would brought about this policy, the individual who brought it should be dismissed from the united states military. question being for you, todd, this is not the first time we have seen christianity in a sense, taken out of military. we saw this cross taken down from a nato base in afghanistan, is it because some of the troops are complaining or overall policy we are seeing in our military? guest: people like congressman king and folks like the family research council believe this is coming from the obama administration. they believe they either ones, it is a top down philosophy. we have seen this go on for the past three years: billy graham s son was disinvited from the
not be a problem because she is worth a hopping $80 million. and she is gorgeous. santa claus getting the heave ho ho ho from schools in texas. the school district first said christmas celebrations were too religious, and now they saist is too distracting and will not santa visit during class. man parents are not happy about kids getting grinched. such an attack on freedom, on the constitutes, on liberty and it is flawed reasoning. to not give gifts or to be able to exchange charreds because someone could get something religious in their hands. overkill. the school district policy, to protect it, parents, to protest, rather, parents are wearing santa hats when they drop off and pick up their kids from school. that is a festive protest. dave: very nice. and now sports this morning.
of $80 million. dave? dave: dave cannot listen to the contempt of the story because he is so enenchanted. she is unbelievable. timeless. a hall of famer, folks. first ballot. clayton: rick concurs. rick: they need to start that hall of fame. i would go. dave: cindy crawford and heidi. rick: want to weigh in ali? alisyn: i agree. rick: a storm in the central part of the country couple pieces of energy moving law and we have seen a couple days of rain and snow in arizona and new mexico and that is still there and the first part is moving across texas and the plains and the rain on the east side and snow on the west side of this. but not too cold and it will not stick in a big fashion for the