Cyprus and the proposed new Adeline copper project in
Labrador Canada, contingent, among other things, upon the publication of a prospectus. Upon completion of the acquisition of the project in
Labrador, Altius will become a strategic partner, with a 10% holding in the Chesterfield, and a 20p warrant over a further 10% of the company.
Neil O Brien, formally SVP Exploration & New Business Development, Lundin Mining, and
Dave Cliff, previously Head of Exploration Europe, Rio Tinto.
The Adeline copper project is located within the western half of the Central Mineral Belt, a 260 km long metal-rich belt located in
Central Labrador, eastern
Canada. The Adeline property is comprised of five contiguous mineral licenses totalling 12,725 ha (129 km2), covering the full extent of the
Chesterfield Resources plc gives notice that its Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) will be held on June 30th at 11am at 7-9 Swallow Street, London W1B 4DE. Copies of the Notice of AGM, together with the Form of Proxy and the Annual Report will be posted to shareholders and will be available to view on the Company s website shortly at About Chesterfield Resources Chesterfield Resources is a copper-focussed exploration company with a project in Cyprus and the proposed new Adeline copper project in Labrador Canada, contingent, among other things, upon the publication of a prospectus. In December 2020, Polymetal International, the
The road safety partnership is a hosted programme within the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and is based in Geneva. It focuses on the reduction of road death and injury, especially in low and middle-income countries. NZTA figures showed that between 2010 and 2019, 16 people were killed in crashes on SH5 and another 75 people were seriously injured.
Hastings mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said since 2014, there had been more than 250 crashes reported between Eskdale and Tarawera, ranging from fatalities to non-injury. Cliff said the only roads capable of safely operating at 100kph were median-divided motorways, designed with barriers to prevent vehicles crossing to the wrong side of the road.