but cantor s votes to raise the debt limit and his lack of faith in the tenth amendment. he disliked that cantor was getting the republican party involved in a federal level with big policy, and that voice, which was pretty ignore ball on talk radio, maybe just a couple hours ago, much less ignored all right now. one of the big issues was immigration. it was the single biggest policy area this war was waged on. you have lower income endorsing brat, and then this groundswell of hysterical coverage of immigration in the country. you had brat himself, just look at drudge. the institutional support was this talk radio support. the well funded outside tea party groups were not in there with brat. what that reflects is the big money in the republican party does not really care about
people campaign. everything you said about his district staff is true. it comes back to haunt you. as you and howard dean proved over at the dnc when you were on the ship over there, local grassroots efforts matter a whole lot. absolutely. the easiest way to take a look at that was how much money, $200 per vote eric cantor spent. brat spent almost nothing, but he organized, clearly. he got out the numbers that he needed. he knew what he wanted to get out, and he got it out. i want to poke fun at the virginia democratic party. i am glad that they decided they should have a candidate in the race in case cantor doesn t win. last minute thing. did they have a conference call? yes, last weekend. jack wrote a book about the economics of slavery in richmond. it looks like a very good,
the downfall of eric cantor defeating no fewer than six tea party challengers. 60% of the vote. what lessons can be drawn from the different fates of those men? dave, i will begin with you. you got to talk to mr. brat this evening. not this evening, before anyone knew his name or how to pronounce his name or anything about him. there was some reporting by bob costas on how republicans in the district had upset one of his candidates. i spoke to brat for about 15 minutes. he is a very recognizable, well-spoken libertarian-minded candidate. you can be a libertarian and quote the book of look after you beat the only jewish congressmen. he was referring to not so lush immigration when he talked to me
immigration bill who didn t, but getting beaten by people because they re angry about the bill coming up at some time. the way it was conveyed wasn t that he was bringing up the bill tomorrow, but that he was a tool of the timber of commerce. that means a lot of things. brat ran to frame everything as populism, americans first, job creation on main street versus the interests of big republican business. that might not sound come here to democrats watching this with amazement, but one of the reasons cantor lost is because in addition to being seen as too close to the chamber, he was a close and up to the ground level in the district. he should have spent less time there was a populist element
spoken. i think the people are just ready for some major changes in this country, and i was blessed. it s a miracle. what do i attribute it to first of all? i am humbled and thankful. i am a believer, so i am humbled that god gave us this win. right with that, god acts through people, and got acted through the people on my behalf. that was brett, who is the nominee, having upset house majority leaderat, who is the nominee, having upset house majority leader eric cantor. the big issue in the contest was immigration. this was the scene outside of cantor s headquarters. chanting for immigration reform protesting cantor s obstruction of immigration reform and wearing buttons. dave brat accused eric cantor, who had been part of the obstructionist wing, accused him