so when a would-be anonymous tipster called the sheriff s office, it turned out he wasn t anonymous at all. the detective who took the call recognized the voice and phoned him right back. says, hey, you need to come in and talk to us. reporter: the caller as it turned out was this man, dave moore, caussin of roger and gus, with a multimillion-dollar spread of his own and a passion for warbirds. dave s stepdaughter had once been married to paul. this is a video from their wedding day. a messy divorce followed a few years later. so david and susan moore came into our office. reporter: susan moore is dave s wife. what did they say when they got into the office? the first thing they told us was a wiretapping incident. reporter: wiretapping? yes. reporter: dave and sue claimed paul tapped his wife s phone to spy on her during divorce negotiations and, sure enough, here are the court documents.
or crazed assassin. and now they had another lead to work on. somebody made an anonymous call to the sheriff s department and said the caller basically stated you need to be looking at paul moore. and reporter: paul not peter. paul, not peter. reporter: for all the produce that comes rolling out of colusa county, california, its population of humans is small. just 22,000. everybody seems to know just about everybody here. so when a would-be anonymous tipster called the sheriff s office, it turned out he wasn t anonymous at all. the detective who took the call recognized the voice and phoned him right back. said, hey, you need to come in and talk to us. the caller as it turned out was this man, dave moore, cousin of roger and gus, with a multimillion-dollar spread of his own and a passion for war birds. dave s stepdaughter had once been married to paul. this is a video from their
took time off on a sunday afternoon and detective salm asked paul directly. do you have a prior criminal record? yes. i was into drugs and stuff when i was younger. reporter: committed felonies in fact. then he said he just grew up and wanted to help now any way he could even if it meant informing on his beloved cousin peter. i think pete is a little envious of robert. i think he felt his dad treated robert better than pete got treated and he worked there. he said something about his dad taking him out of the will. reporter: one thing, though. paul, like his second cousin dave, didn t think that pete was capable of making that bomb. somebody must have helped him. i just don t think pete has the technical ability to do it. unless he seriously had some help.
wedding day. a messy divorce followed a few years later. so david and susan moore came into our office. reporter: susan moore is dave s wife. what did they say when they got into the office? the first thing they told us was a wiretapping incident. reporter: wiretapping? yes. reporter: dave and sue claimed paul tapped his wife s phone to spy on her during divorce negotiations and, sure enough, here are the court documents. in 1997 paul was arrested on four counts related to tapping both his wife s and in-laws phones. he pleaded guilty to one count of electronic eavesdropping, a felony. the other charges were dropped, and paul served no jail time. but the wiretapping story was just a prologue to what they were really there to talk about. who do you think is capable or responsible for actually setting up an explosive device in that panel?
reporter: so you at least had some time. maybe. maybe. dave tells me that they had received a letter and the letter had mentioned me. reporter: roberto s brother eduardo. he says be careful. watch yourself. reporter: but it wasn t just eduardo in the crosshairs. the letter writer claimed whoever was now driving roberto s now repaired pickup truck, that white f-250 the bomber wrote, is in great danger. and who was that person? roberto ayala s son, jesus. the threat against the ayalas was looking very real. it was real. it didn t just look real. it was real. a lot of sleepless nights. reporter: because this ex-marine not only had a farm to run but as he saw it a murder to solve, and now two families to protect. going through my mind was