The couple paid a visit to Swami Dayanand Giri Ashram. Several pictures went viral in which Anushka and Virat are seen worshipping at the ashram. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma Take Spiritual Break in Rishikesh Ahead of India s Test Series Against Australia (View Pic).
When the matter came up before a division bench of Justice Nitin Jamdar and Justice Abhay Ahuja, government pleader Jyoti Chavan sought time to file a reply. 🎥 Anushka Sharma Moves to Bombay High Court to Challenge Maharashtra State Tax Department Orders.
Days after offering prayers at an ashram in Vrindavan, cricketer Virat Kohli penned a gratitude note thanking the almighty for bestowing him with abundant bless
After hitting his much anticipated 71st century in international cricket, star Indian batter Virat Kohli dedicated his ton to his wife and Bollywood actress Anu