Sabah spent RM1.479 billion or about 28.15 per cent of the RM5.254 billion allocated for 1,098 projects approved in the Second Rolling Plan (RP2) of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) as of June 12, this year
The State Drug Eradication Action Council (MTMD) has approved RM1.73 million to the Sabah Youth Council (MBS) to hold youth empowerment programmes and drug abuse awareness campaigns
THE Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) State Government is committed to ensuring no more delays in the implementation of development projects for the people.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor wants all heads of state and federal departments to ensure all projects that received budget approval for the Second Rolling Plan of 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) are implemented immediately so the people can quickly benefit