$2.4 billion a year. and the video rental chain blockbuster hit the auction block in new york today. amongst the bidderses, dish network reportedly offering $248 billion, followed close lie by carl icam and a team of liquid daters who bid unit $281. that s it from cn nbc first in business worldwide. now back to hardball. well, an amazing topic for this show. he created her here, michele bachmann. she has been dipping her toes into the presidential waters out there. her latest move, a big signal. she is increasingly likely to run for president. bachmann is hard to top a political operative out there who ran mike huckabee s winning political campaign. wes enos, sounds like a aaa pitcher somewhere. wes enos of south paw, indiana. is the tea party leader ready to take on the likes of mit romney
okcupid.com joins me. so what was the most glaring mistake that your research found that online daters do with their photos? luckily the biggest mistake we found is also the easiest to fix. and that s simply don t use a flash. if you use a flash in your picture, it adds seven years to your age. a 30-year-old who uses a flash looks like she s 37. really? i thought a flash helped. find some natural lighting, find a place where you don t need that flash and you re going to look a lot younger than everyone else your age. we ve got a lot of your photos. shirtless is that good? this goes under the category of if you ve got it, flaunt it. whatever your best assets are, you ve got to show those off online. but you ll never see my flabby
i love you, baby. reporter: and internet dating beats the bar scene any day, if you ask ryan and cara, who by the way are about to get married. and you guessed it, they once again turned to the internet to fund their nuptials. we actually won a wedding online. on the empire state building. we met online, we found our wedding online. yeah. reporter: but what about our first daters? pam and ruben? how d that night end up? we decided to check back in with them. how did it go? it went okay. it bobbled at the beginning. but he was smart and funny and he s kind of cute. so it went all right. love connection? i don t know. he asked me out again, i said yes. so that s pretty good. reporter: and ruben s take? towards the end of the evening i did ask her if she wanted to kiss me. and she said yes. reporter: sounds like it could perhaps be another match made in cyberspace.
well, my prediction is that by the time scott brown runs, they will have abandoned him, because he will become an infidel. and not just for saying that they didn t help him that much, but he will be an insider. they may prove to be serial daters and never marry anyone. wonderful. that s much nicer of an analogy than the french revolution. margaret carlson of bloomberg news and the week magazine, we ll check back with you on the serial daters party later on. thanks, margaret. good night, keith. sometimes you wonder why people are recluses, then they suddenly appear in public and you find out. it turns out they make no sense whatsoever. roger ailes emerges from his burrow, sees his shadow, claims glenn beck didn t say stuff he said on tape, gives a non sequitur why his network got out of the event of the year, decides it s all a [ male announcer ] right now mrs. jones is freeing herself
yeah. yeah, it s the french revolution minus the guillotines. well, my prediction is that by the time scott brown runs, they will have abandoned him, because he will become an infidel. and not just for saying that they didn t help him that much, but he will be an insider. they may prove to be serial daters and never marry anyone. wonderful. that s much nicer of an analogy than the french revolution. margaret carlson of bloomberg news and the week magazine, we ll check back with you on the serial daters party later on. good night, keith. sometimes you wonder why people are recluses, then they suddenly appear in public and you find out. it turns out they make no sense whatsoever. roger ailes emerges from his burr burrow, sees his shadow, claims glenn beck didn t say stuff he said on tape, decides it s all a socialist plot, then goes back into hiding. was irregular,