targeted advertising defined among modern U.S. data privacy statutes with the noticeable exception of California which deviates somewhat in the CPRA definition of the similar term cross-context behavioral advertising by omitting any reference to tracking a person over time.
targeted advertising defined among modern U.S. data privacy statutes with the noticeable exception of California which deviates somewhat in the CPRA definition of the similar term cross-context behavioral advertising by omitting any reference to tracking a person over time.
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield was rendered invalid by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The White House announced the U.S. and EU have committed to a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework to facilitate data flows from the EU to the United States
It seems there is another high-profile data breach just about every day that results in issues for organizations ranging from compromised personal data of customers to millions of.
Una lettura distratta potrebbe far supporre che l’innalzamento del livello di tutela della privacy (a livello globale) non rientri, direttamente o indirettamente nel novero dei diciassette obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile. E allora perché dovremmo occuparcene? La ragione appare evidente non appena si considera che l’Agenda 2030 pone al centro i diritti umani e la […]