Vision zero more a national movement, so San Francisco continues to lead and we also continue to learn from other cities around the country that have set this ambitious goal, so thats the vision vao er row citys conference. I also had the opportunity in february to attend a meeting put on by the national highway traffic administration, the administrator was in San Francisco asking leaders from government and public h eflt to share sfrat jis for improving what he calls behavior change, everything from antismoking campaigns to seat belt campaigns to figure out how the federal government can get engaged in sending Strong National message to drivers about how to drive safely and achieve the goal that is we in San Francisco call vision vao er row, thats my report on vision zero at the state and national level. Im just curious, when you get together with these different cities that are implementing vision vao er row, do you have a sense of how much they spend to get to vision zero . You know
Speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 6, 2015, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes but in no event shall debate continue beyond 1 50 p. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazio, for five minutes. Mr. Defazio well, last week in an unprecedented new transparency, the Obama Administration sent up special traded a bass dore froman and lu about the Transpacific Partnership. If a member of congress wished to see that secret agreement they would have to go to a special secure room. Were not allowed to take notes and couldnt talk about it. At the same time its shared in real time with 500 multinational corporations dont h
Not all it should be. What is it . This group is a grave threat to all of civilization. President obama this group has terrorized all who they come across in iraq its more frightening than anything i think ive seen. They are an imminent threat to everybody interest woo have president obama we will hunt down terrorists wherever delay are. Jon wherever even under your bed. Look out should have taken it. Well have to change that. Heres how serious the threat it. The entire International Community is coming together to stop it. The United States boasts a coalition of more than 40 countries as part of this antiisis effort. Jon i dont know if were boasting. I dont know if were boasting. Yes, bigger than the average coalition. [ laughter ] if you were to measure our coalition, we dont you know. We dont need to measure. Lets just say i havent heard any complaints about the coalition. [ laughter ] [ applause ] so, two weeks after the United States started an all out bombing campaign, what has b
What about the president. Nobody likes him. Everyone hates him. Accord to get White House Press secretary there are reports that the president thinks he should even democrats running frantically from barack obama like he was a bad guy in a chain saw massacre movie you have here every couple of years. Its the subject of tonight tos discussion. How toxic is the president . Innocuous question turning no i got you. Did you vote for president obama 2008, 2012 . This election isnt about the president. Its about i know. Its about making sure i was a delegate for hillary clinton. Youre not going to answer. Again, the president is not on the ballot. Jon it looked like a deposition from a murder trial. President who . I love how the reporter was like, was he on the ballot. How about this. Marry or vote for brad pitt, george clooney, barack obama. Go. Alright. Clearly this is one way to avoid destroying your campaign by associating it with the leader of your party. Where as arkansas democratic ma
audience chanting Stephen Stephen welcome to the colbert report good to have you with us cheers and applause thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen thank you cheers and applause thank you so much well tom twell welcome to t for now. Okay. Thank you. Its day 29 of americas ebola crisis. Jesus okay. Please. laughter jimmy . Thank you. All right. laughter this thing is going to kill us all. Of course, i have been tracking the virus on my sexy c. D. C. Technician calendar. I would not mind catching whatever hes got. I am not i am not i am not something. Im sure ill get to it in a minute. laughter now im not one of these fearmongerers who will tell you that everybody is going to die. Just 90 of you. laughter the other 10 will live in a postapocalyptic afterscape ruled by gangs of psychopathic biker chicks who serve the spice lord targoth. laughter because the ebola crisis just hit america where we live. If by we you mean i. Ebola has come to new york in americas largest city. Confirmed e