trump campaign that might be of interest. so to be completely accurate, i think that it was bannon that played the central role here. he had the relationship with donald trump. he was the one that was telling donald trump about cambridge analytica s capabilities bannon was on the board with cambridge analytica, they were the masterminds behind this data mining system. so brittany, 29 years old at the time, getss the call from banno. how many times did she met with 3450mueller? i can t go into those details. i understand. thank you for your time. up next, 2020 candidates hitting the trail with big messages on democracy, lower drug prices and even a weapons ban. do some of the candidates run the risk of making promises that they simply can t fulfill? problem
across the city. at the realtime response division, they re fed into a game-changing data mining system. a powerful application that can claim the cia as an early investor. it s a federated search system. it combines disparate data sets, allows us to access them quickly with a single key stroke. you get the effect of a 30-person task force. reporter: after searching over 100 million data points, it displayed an impressive wealth of information on one burglary suspect linking into cell phone number, arrest records, known associates and past addresses they could even track the suspect s past locations based on previous license plate scans. searching for him, we don t have to search all of l.a. county. we know where he frequents. anybody who is a vehicle owner is then anybody who s a vehicle owner a public place and has passed a
thousands of license plates across the city. at the lapd s real-time analysis and critical response division, those license plates scans are fed into a game-changing data mining system called talent here. a powerfl application that can claim the cia as an early investor. it is a certain much system. it combines disparate data sets and allows us to access them quickly with a single key stroke, you get the effect of a 38-person task force. reporter: after searching over 100 million data points it displayed an impressive web of information on oneburgly system. creating intuitive graphs linking into cell phone records, arrest records, known associates and past addresses. they could even track the suspect s past locations based on previous license plate scans. if we are searching for him, we don t have to search all of l.a. county. we know where he frequents. reporter: anybody who is a vehicle owner is then in the
violation of your civil rights? rachelle crane has the story. reporter: here in los angeles, the lapd is embracing new technologies and big data analytics like never before, changing the way we fight crime. watch commander sergeant kennedy showed us how big data analysis is changing the force. this is our license plate reader. we have three cameras attached to the light bar. reporter: license plate readers installed on patrol cars have become commonplace, and they automatically scan every license plate they drive by. it goes through the sacramento database to check for california vehicle systems to see if it s stolen or if there is a warrant on it for some reason. a $30,000 warrant on a parked car that we just passed that is right behind us. reporter: over the course of a day, the lapd can scan tens of thousands of license plates across the city. those license plate scans are fed into a game-changing data mining system called palantier.
auto. $30,000 warrants on a parked car that we just passed. over the course of a day, the lapd can scan tons of thousands of license plates across the city. at the realtime analysis and critical response division, those scans are fed into a game changing data mining system. a powerful application that can claim the cia as an early invest investor. known associates and past addresses. they could even track the suspect s past locations based