zuck zuckerburg today? i give him a 4. today? and it got to be worse. a 2. you think it s getting worse? roger? i give him a 0 before i give him a .5 now. explain why. i think the issue here is just a frame of reference. ari, you nailed it in your essay there a moment ago. the problem is the core of the business model. and i m actually very sympathetic to mark in this whole issue. from his perspective, he s given the world this incredible gift, he s connected 2.1 billion people. and way he did that was to give away all of our private information and make it available to data miners. and he looks at this thing and wochb wonders why we are all not greatful. but this is a great flaw in the business model. we re pointing it out. ben s pointing it out.
analysts, data miners. they sit somewhere in massachusetts, somewhere near boston or belmont, working for romney. they re thinking what s coming up. we have louisiana. how much ad can we get, how much money put into negative tv advertising just to kill this guy, whoever the guy happens to be, now it is santorum. spend just enough, not a nickel more than necessary, like joe kennedy use to say, i am not paying for a landslide, son. it is so businessy. is that what s going on, john heilemann? it is a data driven campaign. mitt romney is a data driven guy. people around him are data driven people. you know, and there s a repair for it, when it comes to the ad spending. this is a campaign that was supposed to be one of its great advantages would be its financial advantage. it spent a ton of money and a lot more money than ever expected to have to spend on this republican nomination
works out gender wise, not important, four smart market analysts, data miners. they sit somewhere in massachusetts, somewhere near boston or belmont, working for romney. they re thinking what s coming up. we have louisiana. how much ad can we get, how much money put into negative tv advertising just to kill this guy, whoever the guy happens to be, now it is santorum. spend just enough, not a nickel more than necessary, like joe kennedy use to say, i am not paying for a landslide, son. it is so businessy. is that what s going on, john heilemann? it is a data driven campaign. mitt romney is a data driven guy. people around him are data driven people. you know, and there s a repair for it, when it comes to the ad spending. this is a campaign that was supposed to be one of its great advantages would be its financial advantage. it spent a ton of money and a lot more money than ever expected to have to spend on this republican nomination
restricting data mining of others. in a statement, it says press reports have exaggerated the sharing. one of the data miners in the article told the wall street journa journal , we didn t do it on purpose. rick leventhal, thank you. a federal judge today saying he will decide before the year s end whether the new health care law violates the u.s. constitution. the white house argues the law is completely legal citing constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce under the commerce law. earlier today on studio b fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano laid out the other side s argument. the state of virginia s argument is the opposite. the government can t force you to engauge in interstate commerce by making you buy something. it can only regulate the commerce that s out there. of course, this is one of many legal challenges to the new health care law. steve centanni with the news from d.c. calling it overreaching and unprecedented, virginia s attorn