Protect our watershed. Were also involved in a project with the Forest Service, bureau of reclamation city and national tore rest foundation to treat the 634,000 acre watershed that drains into the cc craigen reservoir. The projects were currently involved with highlight the need to improve federal policy to more efficiently make progress in restoring our forests and protecting our watersheds. Specifically there is a need to improve both Fire Suppression budgeting and the planning and compliance process for restoration proper skrektss. The cc craigen is a perfect example of why we need to address both issues at the same time. We appreciate the priority of the tore rest service and department of interior have praised on this project, however, despite the significance funding and staff dedicated, it is expected to take at least two if not three years before any thinning can be done on the ground. This is too long to simply hope that a fire doesnt destroy the craigen watershed. We must fi
Gentleman from West Virginia. Mr. Mckinley, for five minutes. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman, and thank you for the hearings on this topic. As an engineer, i need to see things in perspective. So been following this the last four years in congress and on this committee, trying to look at this issue. I think one of the last meetings we just had, i tried to put it in perspective by saying you said there were 44,000 Overdose Deaths. I want people to understand, thats more than died in vietnam in combat. I dont know that the American Public understands that, and every day on the news, nbc or whatever, they had body counts and had that and people were outraged over that. I am not getting the sense of outrage over every year we are lose as many people to Drug Overdose as we did a ten year war in vietnam. I am concerned when i had affirmed in West Virginia one in five babies born in West Virginia and may be 1 in 4 in other states, but 1 in 5 have been affected with drugs. I keep things in
Misleading by omission. I point the court to page 295 of that decision where it said cloak of office phrase is not inherently novel or objectional way of describing the action. In this setting to consider criminal conduct both and describes conduct that was not potentially criminal. Did the trial court there cite the statute explain the statute to the jury or not. No your honor. First Circuit Decision wasnt turning on instruction, it was turning on whether the conduct alleged was illegal. The instruction could encompass lawful action it didnt. Here if you instruct the jury as your honor was saying that official action potentially includes everything under the sun, when it in fact does not potentially include everything under the sun. Thats not what it did. You have to tell them what it doesnt include. This is an area thats some black official action some white not official and some gray. The District Court only instructed on black, didnt instruct on any of the gray. Gave the good faith
Criminal conduct both and describes conduct that was not potentially criminal. Did the trial court there cite the statute explain the statute to the jury or not. No your honor. First Circuit Decision wasnt turning on instruction, it was turning on whether the conduct alleged was illegal. The instruction could encompass lawful action it didnt. Here if you instruct the jury as your honor was saying that official action potentially includes everything under the sun, when it in fact does not potentially include everything under the sun. Thats not what it did. You have to tell them what it doesnt include. This is an area thats some black official action some white not official and some gray. The District Court only instructed on black, didnt instruct on any of the gray. Gave the good faith instruction which wrapped it up, in good faith no criminal intent and no crime. If he does it in good faith theres no crime. And if good faith is what saves him. And you called all the character witnesses
Week. Its been six years since the minimum wage was raised. Some in congress say now is the time to raise it again. Things are Getting Better. They are only Getting Better for some. We know corporate profits have continued to break records while americans are working harder and getting paid less. Some say raising the minimum wage will cost jobs, citing a nonpartisan study by the congressional budget office. If we mandate a higher minimum wage, we would lose 500,000 to one million jobs immediately. Thats the last thing we want. We dont want to create more unemployment. We want higher employment. More education and better worker training are the key to improving the lives of minimum wage workers. Now its time to meet one of the students on the grand prizewinning team. She is joining us. Where were you when you heard the news you won the grand prize . I was in the principals office. For the first time i didnt have anything to say. Were you surprised that you won . My team and i would joke