Something new. His rank of college degrees, of course. He traveled for 20 years in avwhich he gutted hammond in alaska, taught english to bangkok prostitutes, taught selfdefense to land reform activists in mexico, was involved in the diamond business in new york , i dont know how that fits in and i heard land was purchased in an undisclosed location where tribes are gathering and thatstress. Give him six months, Something Else will happen thats pretty amazing. Along the way he and his cowriter wrote second don which was a major work on human sexuality that taught us if prehistoric sex was pretty good and we should try and thats one man, one woman family model as well as the idea of fidelity. There really a construct of a tiny group of humans. Really the one last one or two percent and it was all a profoundly wrong turn. And that sexual love, family childrearing and societal structures that we have today are not only unnatural alienation and the fullness and loneliness and dysfunction o