Dacia is ready to launch the new model. Fans have already gone crazy over the amazing news: it actually worked there Dasha Once again ready to take the
The story of Belsat journalist Darya Chultsova.
Today, a trial began against the journalists
Darya Chultsova and
Katsiaryna Andreeva. They are accused of organizing and preparing actions that grossly violate public order. The girls were detained last year on November 15 when they were streaming from the Square of Changes. All her life, 23-year-old Darya went into journalism, and now she suffers for it, Belsat reports.
Dasha With a Group of Journalists. Photo: Personal Archive
Darya Chultsova was born and spent her childhood in Shklou. Her mother
Natallia Tserabilenka says that her daughter is very kind and purposeful; she has had many interests since childhood.