Dunn County officials provided information pushing back on rancher Dean Olson's claims the county is illegally building a road through his section line.
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS DUNN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS January 4, 2023 Members Present: Commissioners Lundberg, Dolezal, Buehner, Kleemann and Pelton Others Present: Sally Whittingham, David Lym, Carl Rohde, Darin Schaeffer, Dessie Calihou, Del Olson, Gary Kuhn, Jeremy Wood, Christina Kissinger, Adeline Ingold, Julie Karey, Willard Tormaschy, James Walz Motion by Commissioner Dolezal seconded by Commissioner Buehner, to approve the December 21st minutes. All voted aye, motion carried. Additions to the agenda, to add the Strategic plan by Commissioner Dolezal. Motion by Commissioner Pelton, seconded by Commissioner Buehner to accept the agenda with the change. All voted aye, motion carried. Superintendent of the Road Department, David Lym introduced James Walz, a new employee with the road dept. Carl Rohde appeared for Civil Science to give updates on the projects his firm is working on. 86th Ave SW, 92nd Ave SW and updated on 2024 Projects. The bid opening for 15th St. Box Culv
Among the first orders of business for the newly formed commission would be an allocation of $25,000 to various charity programs whose mission it is to help the less fortunate.
The Dunn County Commission held a regular meeting on Wednesday, discussing a land purchase by the Three Affiliated Tribes, as well as benefits for its part-time employees.