Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation recently awarded nearly $50,000 in scholarships to students across the state. The foundation annually recognizes Ohio students for their academic effort, community engagement and career interests that link agriculture to community service, education or scientific research.Bill and Helen Swank ScholarshipKameron Rinehart of Jeffersonville is the recipient of this scholarship. Over the course of his 40-year career with Farm Bureau, Dr. C.
Over $50,000 in Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation scholarships available
The Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation has more than $50,000 in scholarships available to Ohio students from rural, suburban and urban communities.
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Over $50,000 in Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation scholarships available
The Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation has more than $50,000 in scholarships available to Ohio students from rural, suburban and urban communities.
Check out this story on FarmersAdvance.com: https://www.farmersadvance.com/story/news/2021/02/24/over-50-000-ohio-farm-bureau-foundation-scholarships-available/4551094001/
The Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation has more than $50,000 in scholarships available to Ohio students from rural, suburban and urban communities who are pursuin
John Fedele/Getty Images
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: The Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation has more than $50,000 in scholarships available to Ohio students from rural, suburban and urban communities who are pursuing degrees connected to agriculture. Students who are pursuing degrees connected to agriculture can apply by Feb. 28.
Feb 19, 2021
TheOhio Farm Bureau Foundation has more than $50,000 in scholarships available to Ohio students from rural, suburban and urban communities who are pursuing degrees connected to agriculture.
Through 12 programs, about 50 scholarships will be awarded. The deadline to apply online at ofbf.org/foundation is Feb. 28, and all applications require letters of recommendation, an essay, school transcripts and photos.