millions face hunger in 31 degree temperatures. it s in! and the marvel of darvel how the sixth tier side felled a scottish premiership giant. and coming up in sport on the bbc news channel: ten years after she won her last grand slam title, victoria azarenka reaches the semi finals of the australian open, where the wimbledon champion awaits. after the organisers go bust. another borough. good evening. a bbc investigation into abuse and neglect at three children s homes and schools in doncaster has found that more than 100 reports of concern were made before they were closed. leaked documents show that children were said to have been badly mistreated, yet the regulator, 0fsted, continued to rate the homes as good, and there d been a0 separate alerts over three years. 0fsted s chief inspector says she s deeply sorry, and the hesley group, which ran the homes, has also apologised. some of the details in this report from noel titheridge you may find distressing. it has
Dozens of schools throughout the UK have shut their doors as Storm Isha continues to unleash its wrath up and down the country - leaving thousands without electricity.