Cliff. Wall street, tripledigit gain, up 120 point on the industrial average. Banks in the lead, 13,353. Last trade in the Dow Jones Industrial average on volume which was modest. Nasdaq composite up and 3053 and the s p 500 picks up 16 points, better than 1 on the Standard Poors at 1446. Markets continuing higher at the close. Are there more gains ahead . We bring in right now Liz Ann Sanders from Charles Schwab and alan gael and eric steuben from russell investment, darryl pearl from epoch investments standing by who will give us a reaction to the oracle earnings once those numbers cross the wires. They should be coming out momentarily. Heres the number to look for, 61 cents a share on earnings is what were expecting on revenue of 9. 02 billion. As soon as we get the numbers well see how oracle is doing. Liz ann sanders, deal or no deal . Whats your take on all of this . Well have a deal. In the first step of the process and then whatever the makeup of the deal will become more impor