knight foundation gathering opportunities for scholars and policy experts, public and private the protection of technology, media and democracy. i want to tell you upfront why this is so important to us at night foundation particularly important to us at night foundation. jack and jim night in their day ran a newspaper business and serviced of informed and engaged communities. it grew into one of the country s largest and most successful news companies. a collection of committee minded newspapers. as jack knight said more than 70 years ago, the purpose of his newspapers was to provide information so that the people may determine their true interest. in that spirit the night foundation has long been dedicated to building trust at the base of democracy by supporting the consistent delivery of reliable news and information. so it s no surprise to anyone in this room or listening through broadcast that this mission has become more difficult . from its inception, interne
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has been slow to land in Nigeria. To explain why Russia’s vaccine diplomacy fell short, these domestic factors in Nigeria need to be taken into account.
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has been slow to land in Nigeria. To explain why Russia’s vaccine diplomacy fell short, these domestic factors in Nigeria need to be taken into account.