Northcentral Technical College Announces 3 New Degrees for Fall 2021 By Liz Holbrook
Jul 16, 2021 | 6:37 PM
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) There will be some new technical degree options when students go back to school this fall in Wausau.
Northcentral Technical College (NTC) has announced that they are adding three new associate degree programs starting in the fall semester of 2021. The technical college will be adding programs focused on data analytics, updates to law enforcement practices, and veterinary technicians.
NTC Vice President for Learning Dr. Darren Ackley says each of the new programs will help fill a growing gap in the job market. “Our data analytics program, that’s a program that we see is a huge need for all industries. Being able to use data to make a determination and solve problems and use it to strategically think about problems and how to fix those problems.