May 20—ENID, Okla. — The rain-out of Friday night s graduation ceremony for Enid High School quickly was forgotten in the warm sunshine of a picture-perfect Saturday morning at D. Bruce
GC) After a rain-out of Friday night, the graduation ceremony for Enid High School seniors was held Saturday morning at D. Bruce Selby Stadium. A large crowd watched 470 seniors walk across the stag.
CC) Four recently elected and re-elected Enid City Commission members were sworn in Monday during the commission’s meeting. Municipal Judge James Long, administered the Oaths of Office to Enid.
UW) The Dillingham family was honored Thursday for their support of United Way of Northwest Oklahoma and the community. The presentation was made during United Way’s annual meeting and re.
DD) -Dr. Dudley Darrow is expected to be returning to Enid Public Schools with a new title. Enid Board of Education members will vote on Darrow’s employment as the next superintenden.