it delayed any inheritance, certainly. reporter: a lawyer named darrel spinks was chosen to manage her business and financial affairs. bonnie s long time friend betty ann johnson was asked to make sure bonnie s daily needs were met. it was betty ann who d hired karen johnson, the in-home caretaker who was killed the day bonnie was kidnapped. you felt safe with karen takin care of bonnie. i did. reporter: what bruce wanted me to do was to put her in the nursing home. reporter: he told you that. yes. and i said, as long as we can have help 24/7, she s not going anywhere. reporter: bonnie s financial guardian, darrel spinks, says he also butted heads with bruce harkey. the best way i can explain bruce harkey is greedy and, for lack of a better word, just a jerk. he s just a solid jerk. reporter: according to spinks, bruce not only accused him of mismanaging the harkey estate, but also tried to bully him into accepting the sale of a
When JaeHee (Melanie) Chung-Sherman checked her email on Oct. 12, 2020, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Sitting in her inbox was a message from Will Francis, the executive director for the National Association of Social Workers, Texas Chapter (NASWTX). The subject line: “Loss of Discriminations Protections.”
At a routine meeting of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council, which regulates social work practice, an eleventh-hour rule change from Governor Greg Abbott’s office was accepted into the Social Work Code of Conduct. “We will fight this,” read Francis’ email, “and we will ask your help in doing so.”
Chung-Sherman, an Allen, Texas social worker, was outraged. “I was like, ‘What the holy hell did they do?!’”