those of them who can afford them, many people in the city are able to buy air purifiers which they keep inside their homes to bring down the levels of air pollution, but the study found that those who are able to afford air purifiers in their home were only actually lowering the dangerous levels by 10% compared to those in disadvantaged households. in fact, this very stark conclusion from the report, it is said that in delhi, the line is whether someone is rich or poor, no one gets to breathe clean air. let s bring you some breaking news. a chicagojury has found the actor justin smollett guily of staging a hate crime against himself. prosecutors said smollett, who is black and openly gay, lied to police when he told them that he was accosted on a dark chicago street by two masked strangers in january 2019. smollett said the men threw a noose
that jussie smollett would be written off of empire is ridiculous. he remains a coal player on the successful series and we continue to stand by him. smolletts spokesman told us simply these are ridiculous rumors. smollett s story he was attacked on a dark chicago street by two men shouting homophobic insults has not changed since the alleged assault was first reported. but going back to our own matt finish in chicago matt finn in chicago, he tell us us that the chicago detectives continue to question smollett over whether or not this story is real or fake. tammy? tammy: great reporting. thank you. obviously still complicated. eventually we mate get to details of the we might get to the details of the matter. also tonight, fired f.b.i. acting director andrew mccabe making astonishing admission about the