No fingerprints were retrieved from a firearm that Hazel Donna Greenidge was allegedly carrying almost five years ago.That was the evidence of Police Constable Roger Barrow when Greenidge’s firearm and ammunition trial got underway in the No. 3 Supreme Court on Wednesday.Greenidge, 47, of Block 11B, Bottom Close, Wildey, St Michael, is accused of having a .40 calibre Glock semi-automatic pistol and seven rounds of ammunition on February 18, 2018.Barrow told the court he went to Regent Hill where the Akademiks Bar is located and took 15 photos.
Queen’s Counsel Andrew Pilgrim raised strong objection yesterday to a client being asked to report to a police station in light of the charges faced and the treatment he said was meted out to the accused. His comments came as Akeela Jackee Merandy Riley, 32, of Cottage Grove, St George, appeared in the District “A” Traffic Court. She denied driving a vehicle without insurance; using fraudulent licence plates; not registering …