LOWELL From the confinement of a jail cell, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. captured the state of civil rights and his nonviolent commitment to equality. Exactly 60 years later, his words continue to resonate with Black Americans and the community at large.
Middlesex Community College News
MCC selected to participate in Institute for Racial Equity Work
Dedicated to providing an equitable and accessible education for all students, Middlesex Community College strives to create an inclusive environment through conversations and informed changes. To build upon the college’s commitment to racial equity, Middlesex was selected to participate in the 2021 Institute on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Centers by the Association of American Colleges & Universities.
The only institution in Massachusetts participating, Middlesex is one of 78 institutions chosen for the national institute that will run virtually in June. Phil Sisson, MCC’s president-elect, said MCC is proud to be one of only a few community colleges throughout the country invited to attend.