Image Info: Dapiki Moto/Unsplash
Trauma From Stories On Police Violence
May 25, 2021
It s been one year since the video of George Floyd’s murder was spread across social media and the news, leading to months of protests over police brutality and racial inequality.
Today we talk about what impact these stories, and these kinds of videos, have on the people who see them. We hear from trauma and mental health experts on how it especially affects communities of color.
We also learn more about how the media covers police brutality, and social justice protests, and talk about the ethics that guide some of that coverage. What does mainstream media get wrong about how these stories are talked about, and how these images are shown?
Image Info: Dapiki Moto/Unsplash
Opening Back Up
May 24, 2021
The number of vaccinated Hoosiers is going up. But how close are we to reaching herd immunity? Today we talk to a public health expert to find out.
We also hear from experts in tourism and business economics to find out if businesses and large conventions plan on opening to the public. And if they do, how safe can it be?
Produced by Micah Yason.
Phil Powel
Amy Vaughan
May 28, 2021
Today we talk about ransomware, a cyber crime that appears to be on the rise, and a recent.
May 21, 2021