May 28—Navarro College recently announced the names for the President's and Dean's Lists. The President's List honors students who achieve academic perfection by making the highest grade- point average possible, 4.0, while enrolled in at least 15 semester hours per regular semester of college-level, degree credit classes. The Dean's List honors students for academic achievement by earning a .
Farhat Zia, co-founder of HAWA presenting the tribute at the memorial by the Habiba Garden
- Credit: HAWA
Rose trees have been planted at a memorial event in St Albans for Asian women who passed away during lockdown.
The tribute was organised by Farhat Zia, co-founder of the Herts Asian Women’s Association (HAWA) at the Tiffin Club area at the CDA Herts Community Garden in Hixberry Lane.
Ayletts Nurseries made a donation towards the eight different coloured rose trees.
Farhat said: I wanted to pay tribute to these wonderful women who gave so much to our community in their lifetimes. Many of them helped at the Tiffin Club garden, and it felt right to plant a rose tree for each of them. People can come to the community gardens all year round to see the trees and remember these women.”