I m a 36-year-old cannabis trimmer in Pennsylvania who gets strange looks when people find out what I do. I wish more people knew how much quality control goes into production.
I m a 36-year-old cannabis trimmer in Pennsylvania who gets strange looks when people find out what I do. I wish more people knew how much quality control goes into production.
Alex KatsomitrosDec 14, 2020, 20:04 IST
Megan Gottschall has been working as a cannabis trimmer since 2019.Megan Gottschall
Megan Gottschall, 36, is a senior
cannabis trimmer based in Μuncy,
Pennsylvania. She leads the cannabis trimming team at the Danville plant of
Green Thumb Industries (GTI), a national producer and retailer.
Gottschall takes precise weight measurements of all the cannabis material her team works with. Megan Gottschall
I come in and get each room set up with the flower we will need to process. I troubleshoot problems to make sure the processes run efficiently, and make sure the trimmers are working at the level of quality that our Rythm (sic) brand represents. As the flower is done processing, I return it to the vault and retrieve more product to run.
I also manage the paperwork, work on extra projects, write reviews, and plan meeting that come with being the production lead of the trim process.